To be the first, you have to be up on the latest
Technology, processes, product quality, market demands, launches… Here you will find a selection of news related to the world of cosmetics that most attracts our attention.
Cosmetics with sun protection
The sun is responsible for many signs of aging, and protecting your face from UV rays helps keep your skin looking younger. That doesn't mean you need to wear a [...]
Handicaps and challenges in solar formulation: interview with Irene Zaldívar, CEO of AD Particles.
This October we have read the latest news about the OTC Reform Law, this bill includes sun protection products and will influence the regulations of products in this category for [...]
Atopic dermatitis and sun exposure.
Atopic dermatitis (eczema) is a chronic inflammation of the skin. It affects infants and children, and the adult population to a lesser degree (1-3%). It is produced by an irregular [...]
Sunburn and tanning.
There are two main types of UV radiation that we are exposed to. UVA rays and UVB rays. Overexposure to UVB rays can cause sunburn, skin cancer, cataracts (clouding of [...]
Do cells have memory?
Every year 62,000 new cases of advanced melanoma are diagnosed in Europe. Melanoma represents only 4% of all skin cancers but is responsible for 80% of deaths from this type [...]