About Soporte

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So far Soporte has created 59 blog entries.

We give the green light to our wish list for 2020

We can say that we will remember 2019 as a year full of lessons learned, challenges overcome and expectations met for ADPCosmetics. Over the months we have advanced even further, sending our natural filters around the world. And to consolidate our relationships with open markets is undoubtedly our top wish for the new year. Our goals include launching the brand in the United States, consolidating our position in Japan and Korea (two benchmarks in the global cosmetics industry) and ensuring that the European market sustains and increases its rate of growth, headed by the two powerhouses, France and Germany. Another thing that makes us very proud and that we will continue to work on is the changes we have implemented at our facilities, which have been optimised, along with the processes. One of our major considerations when making production and logistics decisions has always been caring for [...]

2021-06-23T09:37:42+00:0030 December 2019|

A story of growth and commitment

It has been almost a decade since ADPCosmetics was founded. Over the years we have witnessed many stories, but those that have most made us what we are today are, without a doubt, stories like that of Ismael Santamaría, our Head of Production. Back then, Ismael worked in the CSIC as a Laboratory Technician. He had been helping to develop the technology on which we currently base our business for almost 14 years. A few years later, in 2014, we invited him to join us. ====================== "I wasn’t sure and felt the confusion that comes with such a big change, as I had been working in my old job for more than ten years and there was a lot of uncertainty about growing a company from scratch, but I was very tempted by the new challenge and the opportunity to continue developing an [...]

2021-06-23T09:51:06+00:0020 December 2019|

A more than brilliant year end

The time of the year is coming when we take stock of what we have done to see what to improve, what is working, what is worth keeping, etc. ADPCosmetics has been adding points to analyse until the last minute. That is why we are summarising here what Cosmetorium and in-cosmetics Asia have meant. Cosmetorium, the advantage of playing at home Attending this event is a must for us. With each passing year, and even more so after the latest edition, we have gradually consolidated the company's position. And the enhanceU-SunT launch has undoubtedly been a major component. We are talking about the approximately 100 visitors we welcomed to our stand (5% of them international), which is an excellent result on its own. But what is even better is that 75% of them were new contacts, that is, potential customers. Furthermore, 30% asked for samples to start testing [...]

2021-06-23T09:48:21+00:0011 November 2019|

The sun rises in the east… and that’s where we’re heading

Asia has a huge interest in cosmetics. The perfect skin its population seeks and the strong link that they continue to attach to light skin tones and social status are well-known facts. Asia is also an unstoppable giant that is always looking for the latest in innovation and technology. So there was no doubt that this year we had to repeat our appearance in the lands of the rising sun. The size of in-cosmetics Asia is impressive, with more than 530 international exhibitors and more than 12,000 manufacturers of personal care products in the Pacific zone. Faced with this universe of opportunities and technology as innovative as that offered by ADPCosmetics, we hope to consolidate the steps we took in our first appearance last year. We will attend this event with very clear goals, which can be summarised as to assist and support our current distributors (answering customers' questions, presenting innovations [...]

2021-06-23T09:53:33+00:001 November 2019|

A filter with an ‘eclipse effect’

ADPCosmetics is launching a new product. After months of research and testing, our enhanceU family has a new member, which hits the market offering unique properties: enhanceU-SunT. · Dispersion in the oil phase · Broad spectrum protection · Natural formulas · 100% safe: non-nano metric · High UV protection · Improved feel The major benefit this filter offers within the range is dispersion in the oil phase. This is facilitated by the stearic acid coating, which is suitable for natural formulas and is an excellent alternative to coatings like dimethicone. EnhanceU-SunT can tackle the major challenges in formulation: high SPF and broad spectrum protection, photostability, ease of use and of dispersion, etc. and it also offers a transparent effect and high spreadability. EnhanceU-SunT in colour cosmetics Nowadays, consumers are seeking multi-solution products. That is why formulating cosmetics that provide colour and protection means that you are in harmony with the [...]

2021-06-23T10:14:10+00:0019 October 2019|

We are back in action at Cosmetorium

Going to Cosmetorium has become a tradition for ADPCosmetics, as we haven’t missed a single edition since it started in 2016 and this will be the fourth edition we will attend. This event will be held on 23 and 24 October in the Palau de Congressos de Barcelona, FIRA 1, Montjuïc. Following the success we achieved last year, when we presented the effectiveU pigments family, this year we are back with new dynamic products and a much larger presence. Firstly, in order to attend all those who come to our stand to meet us more comfortably, we have designed a larger stand (STAND 121), where in addition to our two product ranges we will present our new ingredient enhanceU-SunT, specially designed for dispersion in the oil phase. Information, personalised service, natural formulas and even some demonstration workshops are just some of the attractions we will offer there. In addition, we [...]

2021-06-23T12:25:30+00:003 October 2019|

A few innovations committed to the wellbeing of the skin

Our skin is a delicate organ that needs to stay balanced in order to perform all of its vital functions. That is why the greatest challenge of the cosmetics sector today is to take care of every little ingredient in the formulation in order to safeguard the wellbeing and protect the skin. Some of the innovations we present in our enhanceU range for the new season are based precisely on this. Formulations that protect the skin from damage and provide the basic elements to restore its balance. Natural ingredients have many benefits Our new formulations are 90-100% natural according to ISO16128, with protection up to SPF50+ and broad spectrum with a UVA/UVB ratio over 0.6. This is empirical proof that natural and the highest quality can go hand in hand. In addition, to improve the texture and feel, they contain natural alternatives to silicones. They also [...]

2021-06-23T10:18:36+00:0019 September 2019|

The countdown to discovering our innovations has started

The summer is a perfect time for relaxing, seeing things in a different light, charging your batteries, etc. and return with renewed energy to continue offering our customers innovations and improvements. ADPCosmetics, which was created with the development of a new technology alongside CSIC, was born from and for innovation. This sophisticated technology enabled us to create new sun filters, which make us unique. The work developed over the early years has helped raise the market's awareness of the need to create innovative, organic and natural cosmetics. This awareness has also gradually filtered into society, making the consumer increasingly more demanding and better informed. That is why we want to continue developing and offering innovations in the new season. New natural formulae, new markets, new trade fair appearances, etc. are just some of the keys that will accompany us at the [...]

2021-06-23T10:20:21+00:003 September 2019|

Sun exposure: yes. Safe exposure: too

The sun is a great aid to being more active, healthy and why not, even looking better. One of the major benefits it provides is that it helps maintain optimum levels of vitamin D, which is necessary to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and other chronic conditions. However, sun exposure should be done in an appropriate, careful and regular way, always avoiding sunburn. Solar UV radiation can pass through the skin (the top layer), penetrate the dermis and cause problems like skin cancer, photoageing, erythema and even reduce or suppress the immunological response of the body; immunosuppression. In addition, these problems are increasing with the depletion of the ozone layer, so it is more vital than ever to raise awareness, in both the cosmetics sector and the general public, of [...]

2021-06-23T11:38:42+00:0019 August 2019|

Refurbished facilities: Greater capacity and responsiveness

We are living in the age of immediacy and are increasingly used to having our requests answered swiftly and efficiently. The concepts of time and distance have nothing to do with the traditional idea of them, and at ADPCosmetics we are working to offer services which meet the expectations of this new paradigm. We have upgraded our facilities in order to successfully adapt to the growing demand we are experiencing, maintaining the standards of quality and speed which have always been our hallmark. This is how we have done it: · Firstly, we have remodelled our warehouse to achieve a more open, more usable space with new shelving that enable us to leverage every corner more efficiently. Great reorganisation to locate items faster and load flow which improves project traffic. · In addition, we have incorporated machinery that enables us to handle loads more flexibly and safely. · Our productive capacity has [...]

2021-06-23T11:40:54+00:002 August 2019|
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